Teams and firewall popup

You may have users complaining about receiving a Windows Defender Firewall prompt when they initiate or receive a call with Microsoft Teams application on their managed Windows 10 devices.
This is really annoying to the end-users and it also hampers the user experience on a freshly provisioned device. And they cannot pass this unless they are local admins on the device.

This can be solved by a simple Powershell script running in Intune, well it is pushed from Intune and runs locally on the devices.

The script

#region Declarations

#Define a log path (defaults to system, but will be copied to the users own temp after successful execution.)
$logPath = join-path -path $($env:SystemRoot) -ChildPath "\TEMP\log_Update-TeamsFWRules.txt"

#Enable forced rule creation, to cleanup any rules the user might have made, and set the standards imposed by this script (suggested setting $True).
$Force = $True

#endregion Declarations

#region Functions

Function Get-LoggedInUserProfile() {
# Tries to figure out who is logged in and returns their user profile path

    try {
       $loggedInUser = Gwmi -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username -ExpandProperty username
       $username = ($loggedInUser -split "\\")[1]

       #Identifying the correct path to the users profile folder - only selecting the first result in case there is a mess of profiles 
       #(which case you should do a clean up. As this script might not work in that case)
       $userProfile = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive -ChildPath 'Users') | Where-Object Name -Like "$username*" | select -First 1
    } catch [Exception] {
       $Message = "Unable to find logged in users profile folder. User is not logged on to the primary session: $_"
       Throw $Message

    return $userProfile

Function Set-TeamsFWRule($ProfileObj) {
# Setting up the inbound firewall rule required for optimal Microsoft Teams screensharing within a LAN.
    Write-Verbose "Identified the current user as: $($ProfileObj.Name)" -Verbose
    $progPath = Join-Path -Path $ProfileObj.FullName -ChildPath "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\Current\Teams.exe"

    if ((Test-Path $progPath) -or ($Force)) {

        if ($Force) {
            #Force parameter given - attempting to remove any potential pre-existing rules.  
            Write-Verbose "Force switch set: Purging any pre-existing rules." -Verbose  
            Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter -Program $progPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-NetFirewallRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (-not (Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter -Program $progPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {

            $ruleName = "Teams.exe for user $($ProfileObj.Name)"
            Write-Verbose "Adding Firewall rule: $ruleName" -Verbose
            New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "$ruleName" -Direction Inbound -Profile Domain -Program $progPath -Action Allow -Protocol Any
            New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "$ruleName" -Direction Inbound -Profile Public,Private -Program $progPath -Action Block -Protocol Any

        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Rule already exists!" -Verbose

    } else {

       $Message = "Teams not found in $progPath - use the force parameter to override."
       Throw "$Message"


#endregion Functions

#region Execution

#Start logging
Start-Transcript $logPath -Force

#Add rule to WFAS
Try {
    Write-Output "Adding inbound Firewall rule for the currently logged in user."
    #Combining the two function in order to set the Teams Firewall rule for the logged in user
    Set-TeamsFWRule -ProfileObj (Get-LoggedInUserProfile)
    #Copy log file to users own temp directory.
    Copy-Item -Path $logPath -Destination (Join-Path -Path (Get-LoggedInUserProfile).FullName -ChildPath "AppData\Local\Temp\") -Force

} catch [Exception] {
    #Something whent wrong and we should tell the log.
    $Message = "Houston we have a problem: $_"
    Write-Output "$Message"
    exit 1

} Finally {

    #Make sure we stop logging no matter what whent down.


#endregion Execution

Add this script in Intune and assign it to all users.

So, this will make sure the users gets the firewall rules in their profile.

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